Join our Team

Greetings community,

We have open recruitment for Game Masters, Quality Assurance, Community Managers, Event Masters, and Developers.
(all applications need to be written in English)

If you are interested in joining the Athena team, then this page is for you!

Game Masters

Game Masters are very important part of any team, making sure that the server runs like a well oiled machine. As a Game master you could be doing any number of tasks. You might be asked to work specifically on assisting players with bugs and game related issues. You may also be asked to help players with social issues. Because of this, applicants should have good social skills as well as in depth game knowledge. Experience is not essential for new applicants, as long as you have the right temperament and are willing to learn.

If you think you have what it takes then this is your chance to get involved in our project and dedicate some of your time to making Athena the best it can be.

What we look for in a potential Game Master:

  • Minimum age of 18.
  • Being familiar with the server rules.
  • Knowledge of Cataclysm content and prior expansions.
  • Being familiar with what is currently happening on TwinStar (appreciated, not required).
  • Knowledge of current GM commands (appreciated, not required).
  • Self-reliance and desire to learn new things.
  • Willingness to help other players.
  • Around 2 hours minimum per day.
  • Willingness to work in team.
  • Psychological resilience and ability to deal with players.
  • Good knowledge of the English language.
  • Polite and friendly attitude.

We do not have a specific template for applications – however all e-mail applications must include the following information:

  • Email Subject: “Recruitment – Athena GM”
  • Discord tag in TwinStar Discord:
  • Time zone (specifically the times you will be free to offer support):
  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Which country you are from:
  • Experience (List servers and positions):
  • Short information about yourself (characteristics, qualities, hobbies etc.):
  • Your character’s name and what realm you play on:
  • Name of your forum account:
  • Why do you want to be a GM on our server:
  • Qualities you think you bring to the team:
  • Freeform section – Your chance to impress us, or include any information you feel important:

Please send all e-mail applications to headgm(at)

Alternatively, you may apply by filling out this form: EN, CZ.

Applicants will usually be contacted within a few weeks after the application is received, mainly via Discord.

Quality Assurance

Our QA department makes sure that everything we do is working properly, they are responsible that any released content fulfills our high standards and are working hand in hand with our developers. As a member of the QA team you will have a specific area assigned, this could be a raid, dungeon, or class mechanics or similar. You need to be able to write clear reports and find and solve basic problems.

What we look for in QA:

  • Minimum age of 18.
  • Great knowledge of the game.
  • Knowledge of basic TrinityCore commands.
  • Time to devote to testing.
  • Willingness to work in a team.
  • Ability to write clear and concise reports.
  • Extensive knowledge of Cataclysm content and class mechanics.
  • Experience as a tester (appreciated, not required).

We do not have a specific template for applications – however all applications must include the following information:

  • Email Subject: “Recruitment – Athena QA”
  • Discord tag in TwinStar Discord:
  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Which country you are from:
  • Experience (List servers and positions):
  • Short information about yourself (characteristics, qualities, hobbies etc.):
  • Your character’s name and what realm you play on:
  • Name of your forum account:
  • Why do you want to be a tester with us:
  • Qualities you think are important for testing:
  • Freeform section – Your chance to impress us, or include any information you feel important:

Please send all applications to – Jeniczek(at)
Applicants will be contacted roughly one week after the application is received.

Community Managers

The usual job of our CM team is primarily communication with the community and processing information from other teams of the project. Further responsibilities depend on the specific abilities and skills of a CM, but in all cases it is necessary for a CM to keep in contact with the community. The possibilities include management of social media, writing articles, hosting events, making graphics or videos and similar.

What we look for in CM:

  • Minimum age of 18.
  • General knowledge of the game and TwinStar projects and services.
  • Willingness and ability to work both in a team and independently.
  • Psychological resilience and ability to deal with players.
  • Very good knowledge of English or English & Czech (or Slovak) languages.
  • Optional but welcome skills: knowledge of graphics, video creation and editing, knowledge of technical aspects of the game and TwinStar services, managerial and organizational skills etc.

We do not have a specific template for applications – however all applications must include the following information:

  • Email Subject: “Recruitment – Athena CM”
  • Discord tag in TwinStar Discord:
  • Time zone (specifically time when you are available):
  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Which country you are from:
  • Experience (List projects and positions):
  • Short information about yourself (characteristics, qualities, hobbies etc.):
  • Your character’s name and what realm you play on:
  • Name of your forum account:
  • Why do you want to be a CM on our server:
  • Qualities you think you would bring to the team:
  • Freeform section – Your chance to impress us, samples or your work, your accomplishments or similar:

Please send all applications to – Lidansa(at)
Applicants will usually be contacted within a few weeks after the application is received, mainly via Discord.

Event Masters

The Event Master team is tasked with organizing events and other fun activities for our players. The responsibilities are primarily hosting recurring events in-game or on Discord.

What we look for in EM:

  • Minimum age of 18.
  • General knowledge of the game and TwinStar projects and services.
  • Willingness and ability to work both in a team and independently.
  • Psychological resilience and ability to deal with players.
  • Good knowledge of English or English & Czech (or Slovak) languages.
  • Polite and friendly attitude.
  • Optional but welcome skills: knowledge of graphics, knowledge of technical aspects of the game and TwinStar services, managerial and organizational skills etc.

For applying to the EM team, please use this form.


Developers help us fix bugs and help script the server for all of us to enjoy.

What we look for in Developers:

  • Minimum age of 18.
  • Great knowledge of the game.
  • Being familiar with what is currently happening on Twinstar (appreciated, not required).
  • Free time to devote to the project.
  • Willingness to work in team.
  • Extensive knowledge of Cataclysm content and class mechanics.
  • Experience as a developer.

We do not have a specific template for applications – however all applications must include the following information:

  • Email Subject: “Recruitment – Athena Developer”
  • Discord tag in TwinStar Discord:
  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Which country you are from:
  • Previous developer experience (List servers and positions):
  • Relevant skills and qualifications:
  • Which languages you can script:
  • Short information about yourself:
  • Name of your forum account:
  • One of your scripts to be analyzed as an attachment:
  • Freeform section – Your chance to impress us, or include any information you feel important:

Please send all applications to – Jeniczek(at)
Applicants will be contacted roughly one week after the application is received.

Athena Team