Changelog 11.11.2023 – 28.02.2024 (100 fixes)
Posted 1 year ago
Spells (9) | ||
Consumable | ||
#21975 | Added missing Water Gliding effect when accepting some daily quests in Orgrimmar, Stormwind City and Tol Barad Peninsula | |
Hunter | ||
#13169 | Fixed position desynchronization that occurs when Bad Manner is used against a moving player | |
#6844 | Chimera Shot now triggers its heal immediately when it launches, instead of when it hits the target | |
Rogue | ||
#385 | Fixed a bug which caused Fan of Knives to have a short cooldown | |
#21928 | Pick Lock can no longer fail with “Failed attempt” error | |
Warlock | ||
#444 | Bane of Havoc now tries to damage other nearby enemies if the target with active Bane of Havoc is not a valid target anymore | |
#444 | Physical damage now also transfers to Bane of Havoc’s target | |
#444 | Reflected Bane of Havoc now correctly damages the casting Warlock | |
Other | ||
#12227 | Reworked handling | |
Dungeons (40) | ||
#15679 | Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom | Reworked some boss encounters in Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom |
#3340 | Baradin Hold | Both factions can now enter Baradin Hold while cross-faction is enabled, regardless of who is currently in control of Tol Barad (custom change for Athena) |
#3340 | Baradin Hold | Adjusted loot in Baradin Hold to support cross-faction groups |
#15538 | Blackrock Depths | Corrections to Ring of Law boss encounters |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Atramedes – Corrected Roaring Flame Breath behavior, it should no longer constantly change chased targets |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Nefarian’s End – Dominion no longer sometimes kills players immediately after application |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Magmaw – Lava Parasites now correctly enter combat with players 3 seconds after being summoned |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Nefarian’s End – Army of the Dead Ghouls can no longer taunt Nefarian |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Chimaeron – Caustic Slime can no longer interrupt Feud |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Nefarian’s End – Electrocute is no longer delayed when Nefarian is casting one of his spells |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Nefarian’s End – Chromatic Prototypes no longer become idle during transition to the last phase, they now correctly continue using their Blast Nova |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Nefarian’s End – Added one missing text used by Nefarian when he casts Berserk |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Maloriak – Flash Freeze now correctly despawns when Flash Freeze debuff expires |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Atramedes – Players now have to complete intro event again after instance soft reset in order to summon Atramedes |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Magmaw – Nefarian’s Blazing Inferno now prefers players in ranged talent specialization |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Magmaw – A warning is now correctly displayed if players don’t chain Magmaw to the spike in the required time frame |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Magmaw – Lava Parasites now also reset the encounter if they get to the area below the stairs to Magmaw’s room |
#11872 | Blackwing Descent | Magmaw – Blazing Bone Construct now resets the encounter if he gets to the area below the stairs to Magmaw’s room, instead of above the stairs |
Dire Maul | Reworked event with Highborne Summoners after the shield is removed | |
Dire Maul | Reworked Crystal Generators | |
#12638 | Grim Batol | Players can no longer ride Battered Red Drakes twice |
#12638 | Grim Batol | Portal to Grim Batol in Twilight Highlands is now visible in all phases |
#12638 | Grim Batol | Erudax no longer announces Shield of Nightmares if Faceless Corruptor is dead |
#997 | Halls of Origination | Isiset – Celestial Familiar’s death no longer causes Mirror Images phase to cancel |
#6713 | Hellfire Ramparts | Nazan & Vazruden – Attempt to fix a problem with Nazan sometimes not landing properly |
#7992 | Karazhan | Players no longer need to complete a questline in order to summon Nightbane |
#7986 | Old Hillsbrad Foothils | The Escape from Durnholde | Corrected saving of completed events and boss encounters |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Improved Scourgelord Tyrannus boss encounter and some other changes |
#15525 | Razorfen Downs | Reworked some boss encounters in Razorfen Downs |
#8756 | Serpentshrine Cavern | Lady Vashj – Increased despawn timer of dead Tainted Elementals |
#8756 | Serpentshrine Cavern | The Lurker Below – Boss no longer resets when players exit the water |
#10402 | Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | C’Thun – Improvements to boss encounter |
#7713 | The Deadmines | Reworked some boss encounters in The Deadmines |
#16672 | The Eye of Eternity | Malygos – Fixed damage of Arcane Barrage |
#16672 | The Eye of Eternity | Malygos – Reworked Arcane Overload |
#16672 | The Eye of Eternity | Malygos – Reworked Hover Discs |
#9762 | The Vortex Pinnacle | Asaad – Corrected health and mana on Normal difficulty |
#13271 | Throne of the Tides | Neptulon can no longer respawn after the final boss encounter is completed |
#11921 | Violet Hold | Zuramat the Obliterator – Void Sentries now correctly despawn when Zuramat the Obliterator is defeated |
#14344 | [4.1] Zul’Gurub | Reworked some boss encounters in Zul’Gurub |
Mechanics (1) | ||
#11485 | Guild Experience | Guild Experience is now uncapped for all guild levels (custom change for Athena) |
General (10) | ||
Cataclysm Dungeons | Improved handling of boss encounter doors in The Stonecore, Throne of the Tides and Halls of Origination | |
Cataclysm Dungeons | Bosses in The Stonecore, Throne of the Tides and Halls of Origination now correctly reset if they leave their encounter area | |
#21010 | Creature Movement | Improved creature behavior when chasing players who suddenly stop moving – this should reduce the chance for creatures to run past the player |
#10907 | Global – Pets / Guardians | Pets now teleport to their follow target if no valid path exists (improvements for Nefarian’s End encounter in Blackwing Descent) |
Instance Lock | Instance lock is no longer shared between 10-Man and 25-Man difficulties (custom change for Athena) | |
Money Loot | Added money loot for many creatures in Cataclysm zones | |
PvP Medallion Exchange | Added an option to exchange PvP Medallions between their Alliance and Horde versions to Twinstar NPC (custom change for Athena to support cross-faction Baradin Hold) | |
Riding Trainers | Some Riding Trainers no longer display exchange quests for old mounts if player doesn’t have these mounts in inventory | |
The Crucible of Carnage | Quest credits for all “The Crucible of Carnage” quests are now awarded to all players in range | |
The Ring of Blood | Reworked the entire “The Ring of Blood” questline in Nagrand | |
Quests (29) | ||
Classes – Death Knight | ||
#3227 | Reduced starting timer for battle | |
Dungeons – Grim Batol | ||
#22146 | Killing Trogg Dwellers now correctly counts in “Trogg Dweler slain” criteria | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Deadwind Pass | ||
#21578 | Reworked quest event | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Gilneas | ||
#20696 | Reworked “Last Chance at Humanity” quest | |
#5474 | Corrections to “The Hungry Ettin” quest | |
#5487 | Players are no longer stuck in combat after completing “They Have Allies, But So Do We” quest | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Silverpine Forest | ||
#15550 | Corrections to “Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III” quest | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Twilight Highlands | ||
#3721 | Fixed a bug which caused creatures related to “Draconic Mending” quest to spawn in excessive numbers | |
#4697 | Corrections to “Drag ’em Down” quest | |
#4523 | Corrections to “Fight Like a Wildhammer” quest | |
#4652 | Fixed missing quest giver flag | |
Corrections to “The Crucible of Carnage: The Earl of Evisceration!” quest | ||
Eastern Kingdoms – Western Plaguelands | ||
#4678 | Zen’Kiki now correctly attacks Diseased Hawks | |
#2931 | Corrected event with Darkmaster Gandling (both Alliance and Horde versions) | |
Kalimdor – Durotar | ||
#915 | Vol’jin no longer gets stuck in combat when the event starts | |
Kalimdor – Dustwallow Marsh | ||
#7345 | Corrections to “The Grimtotem Weapon” quest | |
Kalimdor – Mount Hyjal | ||
#1329 | Reworked spawning of creatures related to “In the Rear With the Gear” quest | |
#2254 | Spirit of Lo’Gosh/Spirit of Goldrinn can now be summoned while casting | |
Kalimdor – Un\’Goro Crater | ||
#4516 | Killing Packs of Juvenile Bloodpetals now correctly awards quest credit | |
Northrend – Borean Tundra | ||
#14579 | Fixed quest credit after cinematic ends | |
Northrend – Howling Fjord | ||
#5576 | Players can now correctly drop off Sacks of Relics | |
#22048 | Added more spawn positions for Iron Dwarf Relics | |
#5935 | Reworked “Warning: Some Assembly Required” quest | |
Northrend – Icecrown | ||
#22145 | Corrections to “Assault by Air” quest (both Alliance and Horde versions) | |
Outland – Blade\’s Edge Mountains | ||
#13324 | Harbinger of the Raven no longer resets when attacked | |
Outland – Hellfire Peninsula | ||
#13646 | Corrections to “Arelion’s Secret” quest | |
The Maelstrom – Tol Barad Peninsula | ||
#2250 | Quest reworked (both Alliance and Horde versions) | |
Uncategorized | ||
#5346 | Fixed interaction with Stonespeaker’s Luring Totem | |
#2436 | Corrections to event after completion | |
Achievements (2) | ||
#22178 | Improved handling of “Don’t Need to Break Eggs to Make an Omelet” achievement | |
Food chairs now display the correct model for players | ||
NPCs (7) | ||
Deepholm | ||
Servants of Therazane no longer award experience on kill | ||
Mount Hyjal | ||
Young Twilight Drakes no longer respawn instantly | ||
Orgrimmar | ||
Added collision to prevent players from standing on Auctioneer Sowata (custom change for Athena) | ||
Silithus | ||
#21603 | Players can now access vendor inventory even when exalted with Cenarion Circle | |
Terokkar Forest | ||
#22190 | Empoor now correctly respawns a few minutes after his death even if his Bodyguard didn’t die | |
Twilight Highlands | ||
#5709 | Falling below 90% health now correctly removes Dark Whispers | |
Multiple Locations | ||
#9133 | Wounded Mor’shan Defender no longer attack nearby enemies | |
Items (2) | ||
#22131 | Loaned Gryphon Reins can now be used even when not knowing Expert Riding or Cold Weather Flying | |
Loaned Wind Rider Reins can now be used even when not knowing Expert Riding or Cold Weather Flying |
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