Bonus Weekend and Realm First 85

Dear players,

based on the recent short poll we had on Discord, and to appreciate the enormous response and interest of you all, we have decided to enable the bonus XP weekend event straight away, active after a short server restart, for you to enjoy as usual (i.e. until Monday noon server time). We have also applied all the latest fixes, and the Throne of the Tides dungeon is fixed and opened.

We also congratulate our amazing Realm First 85 players! Congratulations to the excellent priest Discoshield, the Realm First! Level 85, and to the others that followed: Mokrein, Harakiryx, Sumbi, Enoknaraxel, Kebabcatdog, Limit, Bassengodx, Prissue, and Lenns. You are the best of the best!

Also congratulations to Deglan, Athena‘s first World Explorer! All of have received a well-deserved spot in our Hall of Fame.

Rock on!

Athena Team