Game Downloader, Launch Event and New Features

Dear players,

we wish you a great evening and a happy rest of the day. We have more exciting news to share, which you definitely don’t want to miss out on!

Content Schedule

Firstly, we are immensely pleased to inform you that our shiny new Content Schedule with graphics is now live and can be viewed here. You will find everything about the course of the pre-patch there, as well as future patches and Azerothian holidays, so please take a stroll through it and enjoy!

New Features

We would also like to share a brief rundown of some of the most important new implemented features, based on your suggestions. Your new characters on Athena will now begin with four 6-slot bags, and when they have the appropriate level for 60% and 100% Riding, it will now be auto-learned. As far as professions are considered, your Fishing experience will be boosted, and Archaeology fragments will be raised to 4.3 values.

For the duelling fans among you, the duelling zone in Dalaran with now be accessible through a portal. There will also be various minor quality-of-life changes to the content, such as Therazane Shoulder Enchants being account-wide, or the addition of Dampening and Execute Target dummies.

These and more features can also be found on here.

Full Client Downloader

We have also addressed the request of many of you to provide a means to download the full Cataclysm client. We are happy to inform you that our TwinStar Downloader is now also available for Cataclysm ‒ please see here for download links! The downloader also supports downloading the game in over 10 languages, as are our supported game locales.

Launch Event

Lastly, we couldn’t restrain ourselves from organizing a special event to start the live of Athena with ‒ The Ultimate Achievement Challenge. Once we’re up and running, the first players among you who get an achievement from our curated list of achievements will be rewarded with stars, and a permanent spot in our Hall of Fame! These achievements include:

Stay tuned for more news and enjoy!

Athena Team