Name Reservations

Dear players,

we hope you had a great day and are looking forward to the launch of Athena, and the upcoming testing on Cata PTR! We have another new feature in store for you, something many of you have asked about: the Name Reserve, allowing you to have your characters’ names ready and reserved just for you for the launch!

There are two ways your name can be reserved on Athena:

  • Starting from Sunday, November 5th, 20:00 server time, the Name Reserve service will be enabled in the Account Manager, for 200⭐ per reserved name. This will allow you to reserve any valid character name, provided it is not already reserved.
  • As a reward to all our dedicated Apollo players, free name reserves will be given to the most active ones among you. All players who have played for 200 hours or more on Apollo within the past 8 months on their characters will have their names reserved for free!

A maximum of 10 name reservations per account will be allowed.

Please note that all reservations are only valid for one week following the launch of Athena, until Sunday, November 19th, 23:59 server time. After that point, if you don’t claim them, they will be nullified without refunds. In the case of conflicts, our team reserves the right to cancel a name reservation if a serious reason arises, and offer a refund.

Best regards and stay tuned for more news!

Athena Team