Athena Release Survey

Greetings adventurers,

we are delighted to see such great numbers of people interested in our upcoming realm, and we hope you are as excited for Athena‘s launch as we are! We heartily welcome everyone who became a part of our great community, and as our appreciation, we would like to exercise our promise to have the new realm be shaped by you, and give you a say in what will happen.

There were many questions to be answered before the launch, such as the preferred launch time, XP rates restrictions, and content durations, and we have prepared a short survey to let you pick the final option, for us to follow, to ensure your experience is nothing but the finest. This survey is completely anonymous and collects no data other than your answers!

Moreover, we invite you to partake in our Cata PTR stress test this coming weekend. Please let us know in the survey whether you would like to participate, and stay tuned for more details about it later today!

The survey shall be active for the next 48 hours, until Friday, November 3rd 16:00 server time!

Thank you very much for all your input and feedback, assisting us in making Athena the greatest place for your upcoming Cataclysm adventures. ❤️

Have fun!

Athena Team