A new approach to faction imbalance

Dear community.

The faction imbalance is a serious issue, which can be solved in multiple ways. The last time we dealt with this, we offered a free faction change from the Horde to the Alliance while having increased experience gain for Alliance characters up to level 80. This time, we want to explore other possibilities.

During this week, we disabled increased experience gain for Horde characters and later we allowed it for Alliance characters up to level 85. Many of you noticed a new active guild on Alliance, from a different project. They approached us, whether some arrangement can be made and we managed to find a reasonable solution for both sides. We offered them trial characters (you know about the trial event from Hades’ first birthday celebration).

We are willing to extend this offer to anyone interested. If you want to start playing on Hades with your guild or friends, while also supporting our effort with solving the faction imbalance by playing Alliance characters, contact administrator Ragodar via email (ragodar(at)twinstar(dot)cz) to arrange the details. There has to be at least 10 people interested.

Hades team