Fangs of the Father

Dear community.

Due to external technical issues – no available parser, we will most likely be unable to finish the rogue Legendary quest line in time. We need a valid parser to process exact data we need to implement the content properly. After Monday’s update, you won’t be able to turn in the quest Cluster Clutch, even when the next quest Our Man in Karazhan is ready. Blood of the Betrayer is nearly ready, we only lack data necessary for the encounter with Nalice.

With that said, you can gather Elementium Gem Clusters and save them for the Sharpening Your Fangs quest, and therefore not slow down your quest progression. If you turned in the quest Cluster Clutch, you wouldn’t be able to gather more Elementium Gem Clusters and you would stop your progression there.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Hades team