Changelog 06.11.2018 – 02.01.2019 (162 fixes)
Posted 6 years ago
Spells (6) | ||
Rogue | ||
#10021 | If Combat Insight falls off then Combat Readiness will too | |
#13635 | Fixed Killing Spree’s behavior against these NPCs: Magmaw, Sinestra, Ragnaros, Ultraxion, Arm Tentacle, Mutated Corruption, Deathwing -> it should no longer teleport the Rogue to weird places which often resulted in death | |
Shaman | ||
#12297 | Glyphed Grounding Totem will now correctly reflect spells instead of absorbing them | |
Warrior | ||
#14066 | Intimidating Shout will only apply stun aura or fear aura, not both (stun primary target, fear secondary targets | if glyphed, then stun all targets) | |
Other | ||
#20110 | Maelstrom Shatter added to enchanting trainers | |
Mass Resurrection will not miss anymore | ||
Dungeons (74) | ||
#9771 | Gundrak | Drakkari Colossus reworked |
#8197 | Halls of Reflection | Reworked event with Quel’Delar |
#8197 | Halls of Reflection | Reworked The Lich King escape gauntlet |
#8197 | Halls of Reflection | Reworked intro with Jaina/Sylvanas/Uther/Lich King |
#8197 | Halls of Reflection | Reworked Falric/Marwyn wave gauntlet |
#8197 | Halls of Reflection | Marwyn – boss reworked |
#8197 | Halls of Reflection | Falric – boss reworked |
#8391 | Halls of Stone | Sjonnir The Ironshaper – boss reworked + added event with Brann |
#8391 | Halls of Stone | Tribunal of Ages – encounter reworked |
#7114 | Icecrown Citadel | Fixed issue which caused transport desync during the Gunship Battle boss encounter |
#7114 | Icecrown Citadel | Improvements to damage done to Gunships during the boss encounter |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Achievement Don’t Look Up – event reworked |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Sourgelord Tyrannus – added outro event |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Sourgelord Tyrannus – added intro event |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Added missing events with Alliance/Horde slaves |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Added missing spawns for Alliance/Horde slaves |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Krick and Ick – added outro event |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Krick and Ick – boss reworked |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Forgemaster Garfrost – added outro event |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Forgemaster Garfrost – boss reworked |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Added intro event with Jaina/Sylvanas/Tyrannus |
#11615 | Pit of Saron | Added missing wps/formations |
#13209 | Shadowfang Keep | Lord Godfrey – Added visual to Pistol Barrage |
#13209 | Shadowfang Keep | Lord Walden – Corrections to ability timings |
#13209 | Shadowfang Keep | Baron Silverlaine – Wolf Master Nandos now summons 3 wolfs on spawn instead of only 1 |
#13209 | Shadowfang Keep | Baron Silverlaine – Howling Rage now only affects worgen spirits |
#13209 | Shadowfang Keep | Rework of all RP events occuring in the instance |
#12461 | Stratholme | Magistrate Barthilas – added missing event |
#12461 | Stratholme | Scarlet Square – added friendly spawns |
#12461 | Stratholme | The Gauntlet – enemy spawns and waypoint correction |
#12461 | Stratholme | Lord Aurius Rivendare – added missing yells when players are progressing through the instance |
#12461 | Stratholme | The Gauntlet – reworked zombie event after Ramstein’s demise |
#12461 | Stratholme | The Gauntlet – Slaughter House door will open only when all three zikkurats are cleared |
#12461 | Stratholme | The Gauntlet – added friendly spawns |
#12461 | Stratholme | Scarlet Square – enemy spawns and waypoint correction |
#15542 | Sunken Temple | Reworked waypoints for multiple NPCs |
#15542 | Sunken Temple | Bosses reworked |
#15542 | Sunken Temple | Removed old vanilla spawns |
#15542 | Sunken Temple | Avatar of Hakkar is now summonable even without a quest |
#7713 | The Deadmines | Foe Reaper 5000 – corrections to vehicle abilities |
#7713 | The Deadmines | Trash corrections after rework – Mining monkeys can now be freed, players can now enter cannons… |
#7713 | The Deadmines | Helix Gearbreaker – boss now throws bombs and jumps on people even while sitting in a vehicle |
#7713 | The Deadmines | Minor boss corrections |
#7713 | The Deadmines | Added event on normal difficulty after killing captain Cookie |
#7713 | The Deadmines | Trash rework – normal and HC specific spawns, waypoints, idle texts…. |
#8563 | The Forge of Souls | Fixed Soul Power achievement |
#8563 | The Forge of Souls | Reworked intro event with Jaina/Sylvanas |
#8563 | The Forge of Souls | Added linked aggro for trash groups |
#8563 | The Forge of Souls | Devourer of Souls – added outro event |
#8563 | The Forge of Souls | Devourer of Souls – boss reworked |
#8563 | The Forge of Souls | Bronjahm – boss reworked |
#12626 | The Nexus | Grand Magus Telestra is now correctly using the ability Summon Telestra Clones |
#10157 | The Stonecore | Ozruk – Ground Slam now creates Rupture on heroic |
#10157 | The Stonecore | Trash – Stonecore Bruiser added missing ability, added emotes and waypoints to some spawns |
#10157 | The Stonecore | Corborus – Thrashing Charge can now hit people |
#10157 | The Stonecore | Trash – Slabhide preevent no longer causes combat |
#10157 | The Stonecore | Trash – Crystalspawn Giant now properly spawns Crystal Shards |
#10157 | The Stonecore | Trash – Stonecore Flayer no longer moves during the channel of Flay |
#13271 | Throne of the Tides | Fixed issue which lead to players not being able to target Ozumat in the third phase |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Escort before Mannoroth should no longer get stuck |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Queen Azshara will now accelerate next wave only if all previous waves were killed |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Quest Documenting the Timeways will now credit all players present instead of only one |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Shadowcloak is now properly removed after leaving the instance |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Peroth’arn will now properly reset after wiping in second phase |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Alurmi appears after Mannoroth is banished, offering teleport to Hour of Twilight |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Nozdormu appears alongside Illidan after Queen Azshara dies |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Implemented drake event after Queen Azshara dies |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Peroth’arn now closes his door after himself |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Destroying a Portal Energy Focus now knocks back nearby players |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Nozdormu now moves to the palace after Peroth’arn dies |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Instance opened |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Added greeting text for Nozdormu |
#17472 | Well of Eternity | Alurmi now greets players |
#14226 | [4.1] Zul’Aman | Fixed issue which caused Servants of Malacrass to not despawn after a wipe |
General (21) | ||
#3549 | Archaeology | The amount of archeology fragments obtained from Archeology Finds for 4.3 content is 5 to 9 |
#3549 | Archaeology | Players are able to get up to 50 profession skill using only gather |
#3549 | Archaeology | Common items will reappear only after every common item from one race is found |
Charge movement | Improved charge path generation, this change will fix charging on bigger NPCs (like Arm/Wing Tentacle and Mutated Corruption at Madness of Deathwing, etc.) | |
#9603 | Deathwing’s monument in OG and SW | Deathwing’s memorial added to Orgrimmar and Stormwind City |
#12330 | Experience needed for a level up on the WotLK content | Changed required XP for levels 70-79 (patch 4.3) |
#9731 | Global – Guild Perks | Mr. Popularity affects reputation gains in Battlegrounds now |
#20107 | Jewelcrafting vendor recipes | Bloodthirsty Amberjewel Pendant added to Jewelcrafting trainers |
#20107 | Jewelcrafting vendor recipes | Bloodthirsty Amberjewel Band added to Jewelcrafting trainers |
#20107 | Jewelcrafting vendor recipes | Bloodthirsty Ruby Signet added to Jewelcrafting trainers |
#20107 | Jewelcrafting vendor recipes | Bloodthirsty Ruby Choker added to Jewelcrafting trainers |
#20107 | Jewelcrafting vendor recipes | Vicious Sapphire Necklace added to Jewelcrafting trainers |
#20107 | Jewelcrafting vendor recipes | Vicious Sapphire Ring added to Jewelcrafting trainers |
Leech | Reworked leech spell effect, this fixes multiple issues | |
#8692 | Tabards | Fixed the issue which caused buffs from tabards to be permanent after relog |
#14918 | Training Dummies | Corrections to Training Dummies’ immunities |
#14918 | Training Dummies | Implemented correct Training Dummy behavior – combat against training dummies will work correctly now |
#20051 | [4.3] Dragon Soul | Implemented transitions between boss encounters |
#20051 | [4.3] Dragon Soul | Spawned trash |
#20051 | [4.3] Dragon Soul | Released Dragon Soul on Heroic difficulty |
#20051 | [4.3] Dragon Soul | Released Dragon Soul on Normal difficulty |
Quests (24) | ||
Classes – Rogue | ||
#20084 | Eye of Zazzo and Infiltrating Gilneas City auras will be properly removed after reaching Lord Hiram Creed’s location | |
#20085 | Quest chaining fixed | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Arathi Highlands | ||
#20047 | Players now have to meet requirements in order to be able to accept this quest | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Dun Morogh | ||
#2321 | Quest reworked | |
#2324 | Quest reworked | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Duskwood | ||
#1139 | Added event which occurs after a player completes the quest | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Hillsbrad Foothills | ||
#5954 | Event reworked | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Silverpine Forest | ||
#5010 | Removed the issue which caused the quest event to not finish | |
Eastern Kingdoms – Wetlands | ||
#20046 | Players now have to meet requirements in order to be able to accept this quest | |
Kalimdor – Bloodmyst Isle | ||
#8526 | Rework of the event that starts after a player turns the quest in | |
#11174 | Quest rework | |
Kalimdor – Darkshore | ||
#2109 | Twilight Portal no longer constantly resets it’s HP | |
Kalimdor – Stonetalon Mountains | ||
#5175 | Krom’gar Peons are correctly using the ability Throw Iron Ore which spawns Azure Iron Ore objects | |
Miscellaneous – Elemental Bonds | ||
#16187 | Fixed phasing issue which caused Aggra to not appear after the event ended | |
Miscellaneous – Firelands Invasion | ||
#14415 | Smoldering Roots is now a debuff | |
Northrend – Icecrown | ||
#12617 | Quest rework | |
Northrend – Sholazar Basin | ||
#20004 | After using the quest item, Kartak is summoned and your character is moved into the vehicle automatically | |
Outland – Blade\’s Edge Mountains | ||
#8706 | Gossip from Fel Crystal Prism will always consume 35 Apexis Shards | |
#19827 | Quest credits should now be properly awarded, quest objects despawn after use | |
Outland – Hellfire Peninsula | ||
#19938 | Quest will be available for goblins | |
Outland – Netherstorm | ||
#8864 | Quest reworked | |
Outland – Shattrath City | ||
#13908 | Quest completes if Millhouse Manastorm survives the boss encounter | |
Raids – Icecrown Citadel | ||
#8794 | Reworked event in Dragonblight | |
The Maelstrom – Deepholm | ||
#2700 | Earthen Geomancers are now fighting Stone Trogg Diggers | |
NPCs (33) | ||
Dragon Soul | ||
#19819 | Boss encounter is now available on live realms – both in Normal and Heroic difficulties | |
#19822 | Boss encounter is now available on live realms – both in Normal and Heroic difficulties | |
#19822 | Players fighting Kohcrom should now always receive loot and achievements after killing Morchok, regardless of their distance to Morchok | |
#19822 | Corrected max distance at which Morchok/Kohcrom spawns Black Blood of the Earth -> it should no longer spread too far | |
#19822 | Morchok should no longer do one melee hit and cast Crush Armor right after finishing Falling Fragments channel | |
#19822 | Fixed a bug which was causing Morchok to remain passive after wiping in Black Blood of the Earth phase | |
#19822 | Resonating Crystal will now target 3 (10-man) / 7 (25-man) nearest players and will no longer prefer players with caster/ranged specialization | |
#19822 | Stomp will no longer interrupt spell casting | |
#19824 | Boss encounter is now available on live realms – both in Normal and Heroic difficulties | |
#19824 | Corrupted Bloods are stunnable now | |
#19824 | Added immunities for Corruptions on 10-man normal difficulty | |
#19825 | Boss encounter is now available on live realms – both in Normal and Heroic difficulties | |
#19823 | Boss encounter is now available on live realms – both in Normal and Heroic difficulties | |
#19823 | Paladin’s Word of Glory, Death Knight’s Death Pact and Death Coil and Priest’s Desperate Prayer should no longer stack Deep Corruption | |
Nagrand | ||
#17810 | Reworked event around this npc and it’s quest | |
Orgrimmar | ||
#15358 | Rugok added to the game | |
Stormwind City | ||
#20089 | Added missing Immolation Helmet (Paladin T12) to Gunra and Magatha Silverton, Hood of the Cleansing Flame (Priest T12) should only sell for Helm of the Fiery Conqueror now | |
The Storm Peaks | ||
#18123 | NPCs now properly behave as guards | |
Twilight Highlands | ||
#12234 | Gronk Hamcheeks added to the game | |
Unknown Location | ||
#14193 | Riplimb – Fixed Dogged Determination -> while carrying Shannox’s spear, snares will have lesser impact on Riplimb over time | |
#19826 | Boss encounter is now available on live realms – both in Normal and Heroic difficulties | |
#19964 | Boss encounter is now available on live realms – both in Normal and Heroic difficulties | |
#19964 | Gift of Life should no longer sometimes remain active on players even after Ultraxion dies | |
#19964 | Fading Light will be removed from all players if Ultraxion dies | |
#19821 | Boss encounter is now available on live realms – both in Normal and Heroic difficulties | |
#19821 | Fixed several cases which resulted in massive FPS drops | |
#19821 | Siphon Vitality – Added a short cooldown | |
#19821 | Warmaster Blackhorn will use Siphon Vitality if he gets at or below 30% total HP (up from 20%) and Goriona is still present in the encounter | |
#19821 | Warmaster Blackhorn should no longer use Siphon Vitality on normal difficulties | |
#19821 | Warmaster Blackhorn’s damage increased | |
#19821 | Blade Rush range decreased, it should match the visuals on the ground now | |
#19821 | Deck Fire visual will no longer appear on normal difficulties | |
#19821 | Corrected The Skyfire’s health on all difficulties | |
Items (4) | ||
#20080 | Added missing Death Knight T12 set items to Gunra and Magatha Silverton for Justice Points | |
#20103 | Added to vendors | |
#8801 | Fixed coin flip emote text | |
#20097 | Inscription trainers now teach Vicious relics |
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